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Lend vs. Borrow: この違いは? 初心者が間違えやすい”貸す”と”借りる”2024.08.13


In one of my classes, one student asked me about the difference between the words lend and borrow. He said, “They seem the same.”

I’m sure many non-English speakers are also mixed up with these words. Let us break down the differences:

What does “Lend” mean?

Definition: “Lend” means to give something to someone temporarily, expecting it will be returned. It’s something you do when you have the item.


Correct: “I can lend you my Japanese comic book.”

Incorrect: “Can you lend me your Japanese comic book?”

What does “Borrow” mean?

Definition: “Borrow” means to take something from someone temporarily, to give it back. You use this term when you need the item.


Correct: “Can I borrow your book?”

Incorrect: “I need to borrow you a few dollars.”

Quick Tips to Remember

Lend = Giving.

Borrow = Receiving.

Examples to Clarify

Lend: “I will lend you my umbrella if you return it tomorrow.”

Borrow: “Can I borrow your umbrella today?”

Using these terms correctly will help you communicate clearly and avoid confusion.

Remember, if you’re giving, you’re lending. If you’re taking, you’re borrowing.
