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あなたは何世代?  A Fun Look at Generation Names: Who’s Who?2024.09.05

私はミレニアル世代です。私の両親は団塊の世代です。私のいとこは X 世代です。私の姪と甥は Z 世代で、祖父母は最も偉大な世代です。

I’m a millennial. My parents are Baby Boomers. My cousins are Gen X. My niece and nephew are Gen Z, and my grandparents are The Greatest Generation.

Ever heard terms like “Boomer,” “Gen Z,” or “Millennial?”

Did you know that we have a name for each generation?

You can say that you’re an 80’s baby or 90’s, but it would be better to use the generation names.

So how will you know your generation?

The Greatest Generation like my grandparents were born between 1901 to 1927.

The Silent Generation lived from 1928 to 1945. Fun fact: Their strong work ethic helped lay the foundations for modern life!

Baby Boomers like my parents were born between 1946 to 1964. They were almost the first ones to see TVs and some other dramatic technological changes in history!

Generation X or Gen X was born between 1965 to 1980. Gen X is often considered the bridge between the analog world and the digital age. They experienced life both before and after the internet!

Millenials like myself were actually not born in the millennium. We were born right before the millennium between 1981 to 1996. I was born in 1985. Millennials (sometimes called Gen Y) came of age during the rise of the internet, social media, and smartphones.

Gen Z or Generation Z was born between 1997 to 2010

And finally, children born right now, between 2011 up to now is GENERATION ALPHA.

So which generation are you?

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